In the House | Payo & Apricot the Pugs
All of us pug owners know the fussiness that surrounds inclement weather conditions and pugs. That is to say, if it's not 70 degrees and sunny, forget about sustained quality time outdoors. Heat, wind, rain, snow, cold...good luck. But one thing is for sure, if you're going to force the issue because of certain bodily functions that need to be 'taken care of' then you better make sure they're dressed for it. Style points also are essential. Super slick, and might I add super cool, raincoats on, lets doodie this.
Bio: あんぼた工房 (うっきー) 長女(あんず)2007/7 ★とーさん大好き芸達者、接待担当 次女(ぼたん)2009/8 ★かーさん大好き芸なし、お笑い担当 鼻ペチャワンコ服とがま口を 不定期で販売しています インスタではお伝えきれない日々の事、制作風景など 毎朝8時にブログで発信中
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