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Volume 65 | Augustus the Pug

The Breakfast Table | Augustus the Pug

Clearly the best part of waking up is a little Augustus the Pug in your cup! Feeling tired, Augie will run in circles around you and make you chase him. Feeling sleepy, Augie will jump on your lap and lick your face until it's raw. Feel like you just can't get up and go, Augie will chew on your fingers until you yip in ouchies. So, pour a tall fawn roast of Augustus in your cup this morning and start your day off right! Up n at-em!

Bio: 📍Newfoundland, Canada 🐶 Tiny & cute 🌸 I like to eat & sleep ❤ "Gus, you're perfect" - everyone 🌈 "Your dog is cute as *&$#" - a random boy in a car

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