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Volume 34 | The Pugdashians

Nashville In Our Dreams | The Pugdashians

"Chasin' that neon chew toy, livin' that country pug's dream, all we ever wanted was to play our guitars and snort..." Those classic lyrics from The Pugdashian Sisters runs to the heart of what country pug music is all about. From the early days, before all the glitz and glam of pop country, the Sisters held the spotlight, singing with roots tied deeply to Americana and the pugs within. Their supersonic rise and lasting relevance have made them a staple in every record collection, tape, cd, and playlist of country fans worldwide. Today, they still travel and snort. A fanbase that spans the ages, from 1 to 18. They achieved the country pug dream, and those neon chew toys are still grasped tightly in their paws.

Bio: Sissy, Cuppy, and Tilly. Love posing for cameras! Love being Therapy Dogs! Love working with pug rescues! Love parties..WOOF!!

Follow: Find the Pugdashians on Instagram

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