Hollywood Hills | Ozzy the Mean Mug Pug
The breathtakingly beautiful mug of Ozzy the Pug will be in search of her true lerv in this season's The Puggorette. She will be faced with 12 stunningly handsome studs, but don't think for a second Ozzy will be easy to woo. She expects the treatment of a royal, as she should, because obv a dog descended from royalty should expect nothing but. That being said, don't psyche yourself out boys. Ozzy may have a RBF, but it doesn't mean her heart cannot be tamed by the right gentleman. A proper snuggle, a caressing lick in the ears, a gentle get-to-know-you sniff and she could be yours forever. Do you have what it takes to steal the heart of The Puggorette?

Bio: A girl pug with a mean mug. Born April 2012 Rescued April 2015 🏠 Hollywood Hills 🍗
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