Bully Stick Land | Pixel the Princess Pug
You've all heard of Candyland? That dreamy world of sugar-coma paradise. Where children inhale sweetness until it rots their teeth out. Totally worth it though! Well, Pixel the Pug plays Bully Stick Land (aka Pixel's Dreamland). Where bully sticks fall from the sky like meaty sugar plums, stacking up into a pile of numminess so large the ground behind her stout pug body disappears. Yes, indeed, dreams do come true. Why? Because Pixel is the Princess of her domain. Don't make her bark more than once for her favorite snackie! Princess, remember! A princess does not wait. Catch her on a good day, and maybe, just maybe, she'll give you a chew. But just one.

Bio: Pixel. My AKC name is officially Pixel Princess Fawver! I'm almost 2 (born May 12 2015). My favorite things are harassing my fursister Muse (a kitty), digging in on bully sticks, and giving mom & dad tongue baths!
Follow: Find Princess Pixel the Pug on Instagram